Compression springs according to DIN EN 13906-1, edition 2002


  • Spring forces or deflections or a combination of both can be given for the calculation
  • Transversal spring force and deflection will be taken into consideration
  • Geometry values (e.g., lengths, diameters and coils) can be selected from a database according to DIN 2098 or can be entered manually
  • Different kinds of supports and types of ends are available
  • Check of buckling
  • Calculation of dynamic or static/quasi static load
  • Materials of springs are selectable from a database or can be defined individually
  • Tolerances according to DIN 2076 B/C, DIN 2077, DIN 2095, DIN 2096 will be taken into consideration
  • Calculation of spring eigenfrequency
  • Operation temperature will be taken into consideration
  • Goodman and Load-deflection diagram
  • Detailed calculation report in HTML and PDF format


In the compression spring calculation according to DIN EN 13906-1, the input of spring forces or deflections or a combination of both is possible. Additionally, a transversal spring can be also taken into consideration. The other values for the compression spring geometry (e.g., lengths, diameters and coils) can be entered manually or selected from a geometry database according to DIN 2098. With the manual input, the calculation of special compression springs is possible. During the input of the manual definition of the spring geometry, the values, depending on the entered value, are calculated automatically.

For the end of springs the following kinds are possible

  • squared and ground,
  • squared, plain and
  • plain

The following options are available for the support of the spring ends

  • free - built-in,
  • hinged - hinged,
  • relocatable - built-in,
  • hinged - built-in,
  • built-in - built-in or
  • own input

Furthermore, the check of buckling safety is also included in the calculation.

The calculation is possible for dynamic or static/quasi static loads. The spring materials can be comfortably selected from the database. The own input of a material is also possible. So, the calculation with special material is supported. Additionally, the tolerances for the wire diameter can be defined according to DIN 2076 B and C, DIN 2077 or individually. Depending on the manufacturing process (hot-rolled or cold-formed), the tolerances will be calculated according to DIN 2095 or DIN 2096. Furthermore, the eigenfrequency will be calculated. The operation temperature also will be taken into consideration.

The important results, the static and dynamic utilisation of the permissible stress, the spring deviation and the utilisation of permissible spring deflection are displayed already during the input. Additionally, the Goodman and Load-deflection diagrams are available. A simple mouse-click allows to enlarge the diagrams.

When the calculation is finished, a report can be generated. This report includes the input values, the calculation method and the detailed comprehensible results.

The calculation report is available in HTML and PDF format.

Calculation of compression spring
Geometry of compression spring
Selection of material
Load-deflection diagram
Goodman diagram
Calculation report