GWJ Technology GmbH
Celler Straße 67 - 69
38114 Braunschweig
Fon: +49 (0) 531-129 399 0
Fax: +49 (0) 531-129 399 29


¡No es suficiente saber, también hay que aplicarlo!
No es suficiente querer, también hay que hacerlo.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

All workshops are run by our qualified engineers who have many years of experience in the field of mechanical engineering and development of calculation software. We are happy to have Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Gunther Weser on board. Mr. Weser has over 25 years of consulting experience and gives regular lectures for students at the Technical University Braunschweig in co-operation with the Institute for Engineering Design.

This year we combine live, in-person elements with digital, online components. All workshops will occur online via video conferencing platform. You can interact live with the trainer and attendees, as if you were physically in the classroom.

For the best learning experience and in order to provide a good balance between theory and practice, we recommend each attendee to use their own computer.

All workshops are live, not pre-recorded, to ensure that participants can ask their questions and have them answered by our highly-experienced trainers in real time. Your individual questions are welcome and our tips and tricks will help you to find the right solutions for your projects and to get the most of our software applications.

The participants use the calculation programs eAssistant and TBK 2014, SystemManager as well as GearEngineer/TBK Manufacturing Suite during the workshops. No special prior knowledge is required.

Schedule of Virtual Workshop Offerings 2025

On requestBasics, Design and
Optimization of Cylindrical Gears
420 €
On requestBevel Gears660 €
On requestShaft-Hub Connections
340 €
On requestShafts and Bearings
340 €
On requestSystemManager730 €
On requestBolted Joints660 €

The courses are divided into two or three blocks of two hours each (exception SystemManager 2,5 hours). Date and time are set individually.

These prices are indicated in EURO and are per person. All prices are strictly net and exclusive of value added tax. The workshop price includes all the study material and every attendee will receive a certificate.

The aim of the workshop is to have an extensive exchange of know-how and experience, to resolve technical problems and to share design strategies – a good mix of examples, learning and experience.

Are you looking for a workshop that is exactly tailored to your needs? We would be happy to design a tailor-made exclusive seminar for your company. The content and date of these individual workshops will be coordinated in advance to suit your exact needs.

If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.